Good News for the Environment: Cartonboard improves its Leading Position as most Sustainable Packaging Solution
24.01.2013 - Sustainability
The most recent figures support a further improvement in the CO2 footprint of the cartonboard and folding carton industry: The carbon footprint has decreased to 915 kg of fossil CO2 equivalents per tonne of cartonboard processed – a reduction of 5 % in only 3 years!
Besides the product-technical and economic advantages, the utilisation of cartonboard in the world of packaging also represents the most sustainable packaging solution from an ecological point of view. It is based on renewable resources, showing the highest recycling rate and absolutely low CO2 emission values within the value chain. Current figures demonstrate the success achieved:
Reduction of the carbon footprint by 5 % in only 3 years!
With a value of 915 kg of fossil CO2 equivalent emissions per tonne of cartonboard produced and processed, Pro Carton published the current average cartonboard CO2 footprint in October 2012 – sending out a positive signal: A 5 % reduction over the past three years. Responsible use of resources, particularly energy (through increased use of biological energy), and optimising the measurement and control of water use, has contributed significantly to this successful development – clearly demonstrating that our industry continues to improve its environmental performance.
The Pro Carton approach – binding for Mayr-Melnhof Karton
While the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) is still working on a universal ISO standard for the CO2 footprint, Pro Carton represents MM Karton together with other cartonboard and packaging manufacturers in following the strict and scientifically grounded CEPI (Confederation of European Paper Industry) framework. This is based on a joint and uniform approach to calculate the carbon footprint, starting with the raw materials (cradle) and ending at the exit gate of the folding carton manufacturer (gate).
What is the CO2 Footprint?
In the light of climate change and efforts towards climate protection, the display of the CO2 footprint – also known as the CO2 balance sheet – is designed to help consumers in evaluating the environmental impact of the production process leading up to the finished product. For this purpose, the CO2 footprint of a product represents a measure for the combined total of carbon dioxide emissions (measured in CO2) and greenhouse gas emissions (measured in CO2 equivalents, CO2-eq) which arise directly or indirectly across a product’s life cycle, thereby taking into account the entire supply chain.